Be the Miracle

Be the Miracle. 

There are still far too many babies suffering from pediatric epilepsy — and their families need our help. They need our help to get to a Level IV Epilepsy Center urgently. They need our help to get an urgent diagnosis and the highest level of treatment available. They need help to support them as their babies recover from surgery or respond to treatment. It’s what saved Mickie’s life and we’re committed to paying it forward — to Being the Miracle for other families who need it. 

Be the reason a child lives. 

BTM Gallery 3
BTM Gallery 2
BTM Gallery 1

About the Campaign

The “Be The Miracle” Campaign has been created to raise money for families challenged with pediatric epilepsy and to create much needed awareness about how dangerous it can be, especially if not detected or treated promptly. Every day the correct diagnosis or treatment isn’t available is another day closer to permanent brain damage — and even death. 

We ask you to join us and we’ve made it quite easy for you to “Be the Miracle” and reach out to your friends, family and social media followers to ask them to support this effort — whether it’s small donations or larger donations or anything in between. It all helps us in helping more families and saving more lives.