Mickie’s Miracles | Add Silent Auction Item
Enter the business, individual, couple, or family donating this item as you would like it to appear publicly.
I would like this donation to remain anonymous.
Provide as much detail as you can.
Are there any blackout dates, age requirements, or other restrictions or important information?
Must be 21 or older to purchase or redeeem
If this item expires, enter the expiration date or the last date the item can be used or redeemed.
Enter the fair market value or retail value of this item.
Enter the value of the item. Value can be a dollar amout or a description, such as “priceless.”
Enter the quantity of identical items being donated.
I will deliver this item.
I will mail this item.
I need this item picked up.
I will deliver this item to the puyer.
I will ship this item to the buyer.
The buyer can pick up from me.
This item can be fulfilled online.
Gift cards, discount codes, etc.